Daily Message

In India, it is evening and the lights are all lit up in the city buildings from the viewpoint of my home. Today I felt guided to pray to Archangel Gabriel.Archangel Gabriel is the messenger for any communications as well as career. Whenever we have meetings or calls in our career, it would be a blessing to pray to Archangel Gabriel to shine light upon us. Everyone in the meeting would have had a different kind of day and done different work, these days at different time zones as well, may have different thoughtforms, so it is highly essential to pray to Archangel Gabriel for higher work to be done. Even in the midst of our studies or work, if we call upon God, He is sure to guide us. Today as I opened my Archangels book, it talked about Archangel Gabriel giving a loving push in our career, even if we hesitate at times. Have a beuatiful evening!Buonasera! Photocourtesy:stocksnap.io


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