Daily Message
It's been a long time since I posted here. I was watching mass today and felt inspired to write a post. I remember my five year old daughter, sitting and doing crafts with me years back. In her class, she was asked to make five Valentine's day cards, and she did not want me to buy the cards from the shop. She drew a flower and pasted almond shells, and few pencil ruler wastes from the pencil, and some seeds she got from the nearby park and made the greeting cards. Since she was too young, I wrote in her card, "Will you be my Valentine?". She asked me what I wrote, and I told her and she repeated what I said. I do still remember her sweet lovely voice asking me that question. To this day, I dont know who she gave the cards to, in her primary class, and for all parents, it is a lovely journey with their children as they grow up. Happy Valentine's day and lots of angelic blessings to all good parents and children out there! I believe strongly, it is a vocation by itself to be a good parent. It is no easy task, but I guarantee you it is a fulfilling vocation. Happy Valentine's day to you all! Have a beautiful evening!Buonasera!PhotoCourtesy:stocksnap.io
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