Daily Message

Goodevening! Some days God made for us are harder than other days to live. This morning, as I prayed earnestly, the message for me is to have a walk with Jesus. In spite of a worried and troublesome day, I had ahead of me, all I saw was a sweet smiling Jesus and I held on to His hands. Whenever I wanted to talk to him, this Jesus had a laugh for me today. Maybe God and the angels gifted me with the special image of laughing Jesus today to take me throughout the day. It rains here a lot. I do miss my loved ones. The evening mass is going in our church nearby, God always sends special whispers of love to me especially on the days I need consolation. Sometimes through beautiful songs too. If this message helps anyone who needs to keep the faith through their trials and tribulations, I will be glad. However stressed out you are, call upon your God and the angels and they are sure to help you. I did pray to Archangel Raphael today to bless me with holy water on my ajna chakra so that all the mental pain I have experienced through the years is taken away from me. Sometimes all we need is a beautiful affirmation from one wellwisher. The other day, I heard this whisper from someone, to throw away all the expired and unwanted medicines to all the trees in my garden , and it will serve as good fertiliser. I do not know the scientific fact behind it, but the beautiful affirmation strengthened me. Life is a blessing. I want to tell the youth of today to remember that always. No matter what happens in life, Life is full of blessings. The word blessing became more meaningful to me, the day I met my spiritual director. May God be blessed for the gift of life and love received. Have a beautiful evening! Buonasera!Hope all my readers will join hands with me today to pray for my happiness. I send loving prayers and wishes to all! #ArchangelRaphael#Jesus#ajnachakra#blessings#spiritualdirector
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