Daily Message

Goodevening! Today it is about the miracles of Archangel Michael. For people who are in frightening situations, Archangel Michael when called upon provides safety and health through His Divine intervention.Sometimes we need to rise above the life's circumstances and look for God above. Meditating everyday is a very good practice. Especially the meditations done during the cosmic times of the day are more powerful. Have you ever wondered about the silence around you is so much that you could hear yourself. It is good. Always learning to sit in a comfortable position, and focussing your thoughts on God brings powerful effects of peace and happiness. Also whenever you are aware you are triggered by negative thoughts or angry thoughts about others, it is always good to talk to a person who you could trust or best yet, write it all in a paper and burn it to ashes. Visualise all your anger melting away in the fire while you burn the paper. Life is a beautiful blessing. No matter what, let's not forget that. Staying calm and peaceful brings lots of blessings. It is not an easy task even for me though. But I try with the help of God and the angels, to let go of all that troubles me and the people into forgiveness of light. Releasing your negative emotions and feelings, with the help of Archangel Michael is possible.You can call upon Archangel Michael and His band of mercy angels to cleanse your mind, both the frontal and the back areas. Once you feel relieved, surround yourself with the violet light of Archangel Michael. Always remember the things that are meant for you will always reach you. Today I pray for my daughter who is far away from me. I entrust her wellbeing to God and the angels and pray for miracles to happen in our lives. Lots of little angels are around during the christmas season. If we call them, they are sure to help us out. When we take care of God, God takes care of us. Today I am praying to the Archangel with a compass in Her/His hands to guide my future in the right direction. Hope and pray God and the christmas angels touch each one of us with their goodwill and goodcheer this Christmas season. Have a wonderful evening! Buonasera!


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