
Showing posts from November, 2022

Daily message

Goodmorning! bu9na giornata! Today I am inspired to talk about the "dragon"fly. A dragonfly is a flying insect belonging to the infraorder Anisoptera below the order Odonata. About 3,000 extant species of true dragonfly are known. Most are tropical, with fewer species in temperate regions. Loss of wetland habitat threatens dragonfly populations around the world. Adult dragonflies are characterized by a pair of large, multifaceted compound eyes, two pairs of strong, transparent wings, sometimes with coloured patches, and an elongated body. Many dragonflies have brilliant iridescent or metallic colours produced by structural colouration, making them conspicuous in flight. An adult dragonfly's compound eyes have nearly 24,000 ommatidia each. The message from God and the angels is," I quote... " The angels can help you with romance, whether you're in a committed relationship or single.If y9u're looking fir your soul material, the " romance angels...


இனிய காலை வணக்கம்! From a book by the best ஸ்பெல்லிà®™் author of Don't let anything டல் your sparkle, I quote " Creativity is half receptivity and half releasing,like the inhale and the exhales, each one following the other. It means that you're a conduitand mediator for the messages of the Divine that pass through you, regracted like a primary rainbow through a crystal.... To put it simply, you' ll need the courage ti show your creative project to otgers-especially if you intend to have a career in creativity. Treating your creative projdct impersonally helps to silence the fearful voice of the ego that quakes at the thought of criticism. This means, as I mentionef earlier, not defining yourself personally by any criticism. We ஒன்à®±ு become controlled by the ego once we personalised the creative project, claiming complete ownership over it, and believimg that 9f people like it, they like us- and if they dislike the project , they dislike us. yes, you put your heart ...

Daily message

GOODMORNING....! from " The Bhagavad Gita " by Geoffrey Parrinder... THE IMPERISHABLE BRAHMAN 4Arjuna said: 1 What's that Brahman? what pertains to soul?what are works? and how define whatever appertains ti beings? what app ertains ti thungs divine? 2 What is there concerning worship in this body, how proves it so? and how Yourself at time of death may those of governed spirit know? THE BLESSED LORD SAID: 3 Imperishable is highest Brahman , inborn nature for the soul, that which causes states of beings- Karma, which creates the whole. 4 In beings 'tis their perishable state, but Spirit for Divinity, and when this relates to worship here in the body that is Me. It is Sunday and the start of advent season and we had a mass services at our l9cal parish church. have a blessed sunday brothers and sisters!

Daily message

Goodmorning! 2i quote from a book... 38 SEEK NOT WHAT YOU LACK Be content with the here and now The quickest path to achieving results There is a saying," Summer fires and winter fans', which refers to untimely and useless th8ngs. But there will surely come a time when what is not immediately useful will be of use. I' Mt talking about the importance of waiting patiently for the right moment. Although it might all be called work, some jobs may seem glamourous and enviable from the outside, and otgers unexciting and ordinary. All things being equal, it's human nature to want the glamourous job. but for those who have a glamourous job, things weren't always glamourous. what you see now is the cumulative result of steadily working away at ordinary tasks. 9wat might now seem useless can turn put to be auspicious. not a single effort goes to waste when you work hard in the present moment. 10your boss might ask,' who can do this for me?' It's a borin...

Daily message

Buonagiornata From the earth book, I quote... Unsung Earthlings.. There are a handful of species whose actions and Internacti9ns mould the planet into Earth as we know it. A little undermined and often overlooked , the following four species are the superstars of these Unsung Earthlings. Bees 6Tese tiny workers help put food on our tables.They pollinate plants, from apples to broccoli and from onions to almonds, allowimg them to make seeds and reproduce. Without bees, many animal species would have a food crisis. Not only that, but up to 90% of wildflowers depend on bee for pollination, so without bees, the catastrophic loss of biodiversity PLANKTON What plankton lack in size, they make up for in numbers.The largest specimens are less than 1.25 cm (0.5 in) long, but tgere are billi9nsof trillions of them together. They are divided into the plant-like phytoplankton, which extract energy from the Sun via photosynthesis, and the animal like zooplankton. The phytoplankton produce ap...

Daily message

Goodmorning! from a book on miracles, I quote," There are times when we are not capable of changing events in our lives and must leave it ti God, but when we can make a difference, we are far more likely ti see the result we desire happen when we step up and take responsibility for the change. when in premature labor, we look for doctors ti stop the labor, but when full term we look for help in making the birth come quickly, efficiently, and produce the desired result: a healthy new life. Our efforts can make it all happen even if it has to be in God's time and not our time."_ Miracle memo for the gift of l9ve. From the earth book, few fun facts for my readers.... SUNSHINE 5Te sun warms the atmosphere, land and oceans, and is the main driving force behind our weather. No sun; no weather! RAINBOW 7Sunlight reflected and bent by water droplets in the atmosphere creates one of nature's most beautiful displays. CIRROSTRATUS A very high and thin cloud. CUMULONIMBUS...

Daily message

bu9na giornata! I visited bangalore this weekend for our niece's birthday.On the way back home, I was thinkimg of my school days.. and my godmother/grandmother also studied in the same school when she was young.She used to talk about Sr.Rose Benedict of st.joseph of lyons who was an American missionary who landed in India in 1922 exactly at the time when British colonial rule was there and they wanted a mission to start a school in madurai for lowe4 caste people. My grandmother was in the school hostel and she used to tell me that Motger Rose used to call her by a nickname " lone star". have a blessed day brotgers and sisters!

Daily message

Goodafternoon! From the book on psalms, I quote: " He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit." Psalm 147:4-5 "The psalmist gives us an objective, scientific standard by which to measure the knowledge and power of the Lord. Human astronomers would not dare to calculate the number of stars in the universe. They do tell us, that it amounts to billions upon billi9ns.Yet God knows the exact number of the stars. He is in direct contact with each one and He controls it's movements." 9"So totally accurate and reliable are the movements of the stars, that astronomers can compute mathematically where each star was thousands of years ago or where it will be thousands of years from now. But let us never attribute the precision to m8ndless, impersonal force or " law ". Behind it all is the infinite wisdom of a Creator whose concern extends to the remotest cor...

Daily message

Goodafternoon! An inspirational video for the humankind: From the book on "breathe" I quote ... The Puff breath " The Puff breath is another activation style breathwork that's used to energise the body. This breathwork technique pumps feel-good hormones throughout the body,brings in big bursts of oxygen, and helps move away stagnant energies that are still sitting in your system. Think of this breath as " huffing and puffing"....however, y9ur body does this breathwork naturally when you've done something physically difficult because it's trying to provide your body with the necessary oxygen and remove the excess carbondioxide that has collected. During the Puff breath, big bursts of inhales and exhales are taken in through the mouth while pumping both the chest and belly in and out. This pumping motion signals to your body to wakeup, reenergise and optimize your lung capacity to receive oxygen. The huffing and puffing is the natural way you cal...

Daily message

Goodmorning! From the earth book, I quote,"For about nine billi9n years, the universe was Earthless. Then, about 4.6 billi9n years ago, a giant dust cloud( made of dust from exploded stars) experienced a remarkable transformation. Matter was sucked inti a solid centre because of gravity and a hot, dense star was born: the Sun. Although most of the dust cloud formed the Sun, a tiny amount was left swirling around the centre, in what is called a protoplanetary disc. About 100 milli9n years after the formation of the Sun, gravity moulded tgat disc into the planets, moons and comets of the solar system, including Earth. so there you have it: Earth is made from ancient stardust, as are all Earthlings. 6From " Our daily Bread"... " When Fred Rogers died February 27, 2003, scores of newspapers carried the story as front-page news, and almost every headline included the word neighbor. As host of the long-running children's television show Mr.Rogers' Neighborhood...

Daily message

Buon giorni! From the book I am reading,I quote," After returning home, whenever I said my prayers( Zoroastrian prayers of course - twice a day , ie. , morning and night ) I used to hold in my hands a beautiful rosary of large cut-glass beads( with a large crucifix which I had bought outside one of the catacombs and exchanged with the small orog8nal crucifix of the rosary) which I had got blessed by Padre Pio." From the book I am readimg, I quote, " prayer to the virtues" by Patricia pappa. " Dearest Virtue angels, open our hearts and minds to the needs of the earth.We thank you for the work you do to restore harmony and healing to our world. We pray that our work with you will bring healing where it is neededmost and benefit those who work to heal the planet." 5hve a blessed day brotgers and sisters! Artwork: Annie Vanitha #Rosary#padrepio#angels#work