
Showing posts from 2013

Daily Message

There are days when you feel you are those days, just pray. A prayer can be as simple as " God and the Angels, please help me to have a beautiful day".For sure you will feel your worth by the end of the day..Have a blessed and beautiful Wednesday!

Daily Message

Everyday cleaning the energy of your home gives you a peaceful and wonderful ambience to live in. Cleanse it with burning a couple of incense sticks with the intention to remove all negative energy at home. Music like chanting of amen or aum or any spiritual music when it echoes around the house can also cleanse the house. A beautifully cleansed home is a joy to live in....You can even appoint angels to take care of the cleansing of your home. Have a wonderful and beautiful, love and light filled week ahead!

Daily Message

All is well...when you are surrounded by divine love. Today even the leaves of the trees next to my window seem to be heart shaped...a fact I never noticed before. Today's angel message is when you look for love , you will find it wherever you are! You dont have to look beyond..Have a week filled with loads and loads of angelic love and light!

Daily Message

Sometimes when you feel is best to pray and follow your inner guidance. A good prayer always brings you inner peace and solace to the heart...During the days  when you are low in your spirit, make time to sit still before Mother Mary , the Queen of Angels, and drench yourslef in her love and light for you. Have a blessed Sunday!

Daily Message

All of us do pass on the family legacy to our children..Let us make sure to pass on the blessings of love, joy, peace, hope and faith to our children..and to others in our lives. Everyday send them your angelic love and angel hugs so that you touch their hearts with the heavenly faith. With lots of divine love and angel hugs, have a beautiful Friday..!

Daily Message

There are days you are happy because of you and there are days you are happy because of others. Your soul purpose on earth is to be happy in whatever you do and however your life is. Happiness is within us...We dont have to look anywhere else for it. So everyday pray to your special angels for that beautiful emotion of joy .....When you learn to surrender yourself to divine will , you will become carefree and joyful.. Have a splendid wednesday full of joy!

Daily Message

All of you have short term and long term wishes and dreams in your lives. It will be good if you can list all of them down and revise them on a daily basis. Call upon the archangels Ariel, Gabriel, Raphael and Michael on a daily basis and remind these powerful messengers from the Mighty God to take your long list of  good wishes/ dreams and  help you manifest them on earth. And keep up your faith....You will be amazed to see  your wishes and dreams come matter how small they are or how big they are....Happy Tuesday!

Daily Message

Each day be a blessing to others..You will be blessed manifold. The more you are a blessing in other people's lives, you will be blessed many times more. Just do at least one acitivity for others everyday.And remember to show your gratitude to the Lord Almighty for making you an instrument through which the blessings flow to others. Your angels will direct you everyday to the right persons to whom you should be a blessing once you ask them. Together with your angels ..pass on the blessings you receive to others. Have a blessed Monday!

Daily message

Prayer should be the key of the day and the lock of the night...Prayer is a beautiful way to connect with God. It is a two way conversation...only if we have time and patience to listen to the Divine voice. Everyday it is a good idea to cleanse your earchakras with divine white light so that we can enable ourselves to hear the voice of God. At times of confusions and indecisions, it is best to tune your ears to the divine voice within than the voices of other people. And ask your angels to lead and direct you in the path you should take at the moment. These God's special messengers are always happy to bring little loving messages from God to deal with any situations in life.Have a week filled with divine messages from heaven! Happy Sunday!

Daily Message

Every day in our life is a gift from God. It is upto us to cherish each and every moment of it. At times, we may not understand why we go through certain isues in our lives. Those are the times you have to let go and let God help you. We may not understand His plan at the moment, but one day all the bits and pieces of our life puzzle will fall in place and complete the picture.Till then, it is absoultely fine to seek the help of the angels anytime anywhere in our lead us to the Divine light. Have a day full of cherishing moments..with the companionship of all angels aboard! 

Daily Message

There are days when you are down, when you forget to call upon your powerful angels for help. But these awesome angels have a definite way of reminding you to call upon them somehow ....Their language communicates itself through to you. The moment you call upon them, you will have the clarity to address the issues, they boost you with their energy to face upto life.Their love will surround you so that you feel the peace at heart. Have a wonderful angelic light filled week ahead...

Daily Message

Angels are present abundantly in nature...Today the climate is pleasant ready to shower rain on us anytime...and the morning walk was truly beautiful. Probably the angels walked along with me..Anytime you go out walking in the nature..look for your angels..sent down to the earth by our Mighty God to protect us, guide us and love us and have fun with us...Have a friday filled with angel hugs and angel love!

Daily Message

Divine love comes to us always in unexpected packages....small and big. Ask your angels to always help you with counting your blessings..there are many in each of our lives. There are times, when we are down in spirits, we tend to forget the blessed part of our life. Angels when you invite them into your lives will help you bounce back with a bang always after the storms of your lives...Today, just invoke the angels' help and  feel and sense their presence in your lives....Have a wonderful divine thursday!

Daily Message

A simple prayer to your angels will bring forth beautiful answers.... Travel along your journey of life with these angels you will feel love, compassion, mercy and inner happiness and peace.Your life will take on a beautiful quality...The leaves will appear greener and the rainbows in the sky more colorful and most importantly you will feel the joy inside your heart. In this day and age, in the world full of calamities and stress and anxieties....give away your heavy burdens to the Lord Almighty and feel the inner joy which radiates from you to the others. Have a angelfilled joyous thursday!

Daily Message

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless"                                                                                                                 -  Mother Teresa As you pray and receive the Divine in your heart, fill up your heart and soul with divine kindness and compassion for others. Kindness in daily life speaks volumes about yourself. A kind touch, a kind smile, a kind word, a kind deed, a kind thought can bring loads of happiness to someone in your life. Surround yourself with angels everyday and feel the divine kindness flow through you to others. That moment , you become an earth angel.....Go ahead...Let the kindness flow in abundance through y...

Daily Message

Communicating with the Almighty God and His angels rejuvenates you, refreshes you and replenishes you in the most sweetest and soothing way possible. Try having a conversation with God and you will feel the peace at heart,body, mind and soul.........It is amazing the more we connect with the divine, the more beautiful human beings we become .At the dawn of the day and at the dusk of the evening, make it a practice to communicate with these celestial beings, the angels. They lead you to the Lord Almighty and make sure you are always on the spiritual path no matter what you do. So talk, converse, chat and be in constant touch with God and see your life turn out to be wonderful. Happy Divine chatting for the days to come!

Daily Message

Archangel Jophiel , the angel of divine beauty...Let us call upon this beautiful angel today into our lives so that we discover the true meaning of our lives. Archangel Jophiel, please bless us with beautiful thoughts which can govern our lives with good actions. Good for us and Good for others.... Please help us to see the beauty of life.......bless us with your beautiful blessings for the years to come...Please be present each day of our life to inspire us, to uplift us and to connect us to the Divine with your golden beauty of love and light. Always, even in the midst of our troubled times, help us to feel the beautiful presence of  Divine in our lives. Please help us to inhale the beauty around us and breathe through the beauty of designed by the Almighty in Heaven above. Let us invoke Archangel Jophiel's help to feel beautiful inside our hearts and outside in our body... and let us remember always each one of us is a beautiful creation of God!

Daily Message

Silence is golden...It is silence that makes us look inside.At times, silence speaks a lot. As it says in the bible, "Be still and know that I am God".Everyday at least 3 times a day, try to be still...and breathe in the beauty around you. Even if it is noisy outside, you be still and find your silence inside....and in that silence realize the divinity in you, realize the very "you"...Ask the four archangels to surround you on all sides, visualize it amidst your silence and listen to the divine voice of God inside you...You will know how to go about life today and tomorrow. God and His angels are more than willing to talk to you, if you have the heart to listen....Have a serene silent week ahead!

Daily Message

"Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors where there were only walls"                                                                                                       - Joseph Campbell Faith is what life is all about. Faith, you will wake up in the morning, faith, you will meet someone special the next day, faith, you can get a job tomorrow, faith, your loved ones will get healed and be healthy, faith, there will be peace in the family,faith, you will have another new day....Faith keeps us going....and going.....until there is no tomorrow. If you glide along life with faith in heaven the Lord Almighty and his beautiful angelic beings...You are sure to see heaven on earth. The Divine God always sends these s...

Daily Message

The Divine Supremebeing always wants to show us wonders and marvels on earth as it is in heaven. Only thing we have to do is to receive it with open arms. Love each day of your life on earth. Never forget to count your blessings. And never forget to shine your light on others...The more divine light you receive, the more you can give others purify yourself  or rather empty yourself every morning at His feet, and start your day anew...And throughtout the day, spread your angelic smile to others! May all the angels be with you today! 

Daily Message

"I will love the light for it shows me the way, Yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars." - Og Mandino It is easy to see the light when you are happy...but not so in your downtimes. Those are the times you need to be in touch with the Divine all the more. Ask your angels to drench you in the rainbow coloured healing light of the Divine. Just remember that your Lord Almighty made you a powerful humanbeing. Unearth your power...realise the power within you. Whatever you do in your life, accompany your tasks with God and his powerful angels. And feel the power within you..And realise your full potential. And watch the miracles unfold before you! 

Daily Message

Meditate......Sit in a calm place or in the sacred corner of your house and take some deep breaths. Visualise the angels surrounding you as you do this. Inhale love and peace and exhale all the negative thoughts in your body. Inhale for 7 counts, hold for one count, exhale for 7 counts and hold for count. Keep doing this for 7 cycles of  breaths. As you relax your muscles in your body, try focussing on these words from the Bible... Psalm 23 The  Lord  is my shepherd; I shall not want.He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: .....................goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the  Lord  for ever. Especially when you feel hopeless and abandoned by the Universe, these words bring great solace to the soul and the mind. Meditate on these words for a few minutes and then open your eyes with a great big smile. Voila, you are ready to face the world with your angels around you!

Daily Message

The first day of the week...Let us look forward to this week. Let us affirm ourselves this week we are going to reach for our dreams, and live our lives with joy and happiness. Our creator in Heaven wants us all to be happy on earth...Let us seek pleasures in little little things we do..Let us sorround ourselves and our loved ones with angels in both home and office, school and college,hospital and wherever we go.Let us appoint these angels in every nook and corner in the place of our work. Let us feel the divine love of our Creator through His messengers..all our special angels. Never forget in any circumstances that you are loved by your Father in Heaven. With that feeling in heart, let us face this week...Happy Monday!

Daily Message

When you feel depressed for no reason but for all reasons, find a quiet place in your home. Sit and take deep breaths seven times, once you calm your mind ask yourself the cause for your depressed mood. The first person or the event that comes to your mind, from your core central is the  root cause of your depression. Forgive the person. Love and let go of the event. Inhale love and forgiveness and exhale the negative emotions concerned with it. You will feel lighter immediately as the emotional toxins leave your body. Ask your angels to further purify you and energize you with feelings joy and happiness.  May our good God bless you all and bless me too!

Daily Message

Like minded people attract like minded people. Friendship is one of the beautiful relationships that exist on earth. If you are loving and kind and generous in heart and spiritually oriented, you are bound to attract such people into your circle. Having friends to support you in times of need is a wonderful feeling. Today let us thank God for all the fabulous friends we have in our lives and ask our angels to bless every friend of ours in our lives. May love,peace and harmony reign on earth! Happy Sunday!

Daily Message

Inner healing...the word by itself is beautiful. At times, our physical, emotional and psychological ailments need a deeper healing beyond the physical body. At first, let us pray to Archangel Michael to cleanse the negative entities in our physical system with his divine blue light . Then let us ask Archangel Raphael to heal us in our hearts through his emerald green light. Then let us ask the Lord Almighty for a deep inner healing for our souls which at times carry hurts and resentments and burdens and any other heavy baggage of unwanted emotions across any lifetime. When you surrender yourself at His mercy, a deep inner healing is bound to happen and sometimes in unexpected ways through unexpected people. Of course, you can call them your angels on earth...Have a happy Saturday filled with divine grace of God!

Daily Message

Fear and anxiety are two major negative elementals that pulls us down in our lives..Everyday they appear as a big stones tied around our hearts....Living in fear and anxiety is painful. We fear about our past, our present and our future. We fear about climbing heights, we fear about what others say, we fear even about giving and receiving love....there are no ends to our fears and phobias. It is said that "Fear not" appears almost 365 times in the Bible....almost for everyday of the year. Call upon your guardian angels, the special angels appointed for you during your times of fear. These messengers of God know how to subside your fears. They will teach you to trust in The Lord Almighty in the most powerful way possible...Happy Friday! "Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand" - Isaiah 41: 10

Daily Message

The word we commonly use these days.."Stress". We get so stressed out at times with our work and family, we stop seeing the blessings in our lives. The angels can act as your best stress buster. All you have to do is keep calling them to your aid. At times, our stress takes the shape of physical, emotional or psychological ailments. We become like gadgets with wear and tear. We loose our priorities and we miss out on our moments of happiness. Call these beautiful beings ( angels ) into your lives. They have the capacity to make your emotions, feelings and thoughts beautiful. They will show the ways to de-stress yourself. For me, lighting a candle, sitting in my sacred corner at home, invoking these angels to help me works. At times, a nature walk holding the hands of angels help. At times, you just  sit quietly wherever you are, talk to them and listen to what they say. When you seek the angels out for any help, you will be surprised by the million ways they help you. Have a...

Daily Message

Most of us go through anger and resentment in our lives everyday towards others. We feel heavy in our hearts because of all these unwanted entities we carry within ourselves. Time to let go of all that...release all your accumulated burdens up towards the Lord Almighty and ask Him to transform everything into love energy. Love is absolute energy. It strengthens you and makes you happy in life. Your Creator in heaven wants you to be filled with love, light and happiness. He loved us so much that he gave His only son for our redemption. His love is so great that he created angels to be His messengers...So be assured your life purpose on earth is to be loving, kind, generous and happy and feel the light of heaven on earth whatever you do. In simple words, the angel message today is..... ( Artwork by my teenage daughter.........An attitude we should all go for!)

Daily Message

Angels are amazing...touch base with them everyday and you will learn to love your glory.There are special guardian angels appointed for you on the day of your birth by our loving Father. They dance around you waiting for you to call upon them to take care of your every need. Believe me, angels are just a call away! They teach you to walk the path of love and light. They help you manifest your dreams.Everyday morning as soon as you wake up, close your eyes for a few minutes, take a few deep breaths and Connect your heart and soul to the Divine and your feet to Mother Earth.I assure you that you will enjoy a day of bliss!Angel Love and Light to all of you out there!

Daily Message

There are times we do not know the cause of certain happenings in our lives but there is always a divine reason behind every happening. There are times certain doors close, but God makes sure multiple doors open for beginnings do exist. Always call upon your angels and walk with them through the path of life that opens before you. Angels bring you solace and peace and love especially during your times of distress. All you need is send your "SOS" to them and these angels will come to your rescue. Live your life to the fullest and let your light shine !

Daily Messsage

Everyday, in the midst of your chaotic life, take a few moments to call upon the angels. They bring you abundant peace and joy unbound. Everyday we experience hurts caused by others and there are many times in a day we seat  ourselves in the emotional roller coaster ride. Ask your angels for help...Believe that you have received this help. God Almighty and all His angels represent Divine Unconditional Love. With this great love, let the angels cleanse and detox your negative emotions from your mind, heart, body and soul.... Once done, you will feel the great peace and happiness within you. And you will spread the cheerfulness inside you to the people around you. So start the angel magic in your life today!

Daily Message

Nature is highly therapeutic...Try out this exercise sometime.Talk a walk in the nature and look for nature will see them everywhere, in the beautiful blue sky above with sunshine penetrating through the clouds, and  in the green grass below, in the the plants and trees nearby, in the colorful butterflies swinging by, in the birds flying by, in the fallen leaves on the ground, in the flowers in complete bloom, in the gentle breeze..Call upon these nature angels to touch and heal your inner soul. I assure you  that they will do a good job at it! These nature angels will teach you the way to tap the wonderful prana / chi energy from  the Nature...Make sure you receive all of the Nature's gifts with open arms. Happy Wednesday !

Daily Message

Angels have a beautiful way of healing relationships..A relationship is a delicate thread between two people. At times, the torsion becomes more and reconciliation is needed. Your faith in God, your inner voice and trust in the guidance you receive from your loved ones helps you make a choice in these relationships. Letting go of the actions against you and not letting go of the person by just forgiving them requires a great strength of mind. When you call these angels for help, they strengthen you and they heal you mentally, emotionally and physically. And don't forget these beautiful words whenever you go through difficulties in relationships: "The Lord will fight for you; You need only BE STILL" - Exodus 14:14

Daily Message

Surrendering at the feet of the Lord Almighty is a beautiful feeling. A complete sharanagathi........of your mind, heart, body and soul at His Lotus feet....releases you from your life's issues. But it takes lot of faith to surrender to the Divine will. Thy will be done on it is in heaven. Thy will be done in my life on earth...Let my thoughts, actions and deeds be and everyday. When you completely surrender, you will feel really light in your heart and your life is filled with love and laughter. You can always ask your angels to help you surrender, you can ask them to take away your cares and concerns to the Heaven above ...after all, Life is beautiful...Life is to live your worth...So together make it happen with all your special angels!

Daily Message

Angels for the day........All of us will meet with at least one angel a day on earth. This week my angels happen to be my parents - their love, their guidance, their counsel, their concern, their care...Thank you, dear Lord Almighty for the grace of such good parents. At times, we have to bless our parents as much as they do bless us. And never take these special angels ( our parents) for granted..God bless all the wonderful parents on earth..especially all the single parents too. Angel love and angel hugs to all of them...!

Daily Message

Angels join your fun when you are happy and they cheer you up when you are sad....If you call upon them, they are your best friends at all times. You can call them even for your everyday tasks, while you cook, while you clean up, while you drive to clear away the chaotic traffic, while you study, while you look for a job of your dream, and even when you go to your doctors appointment....Visualize these little angels surrounding you all times of the day...they are sure to give you divine guidance whatever happens.

Daily Message

The beginning of the week...Some people act as your answered prayers on earth. Their random acts of kindness makes you smile, gives you hope in troubled situations and makes you have faith in heaven above. They are the tell tale signs of the existence of earth angels whose purpose is to bring love and  light and laughter in your lives. Kudos to all such angels in your lives...and thanks to the Lord Almighty for making us feel His Divine love for us...through them. Have a happy week! 

Daily Message

Angels act as your perfect guide in times of need and they bestow love upon you, a perfect healing tool. Even everyday you can call upon these angels , they can be your constant companions throughout your life. The more you pray and walk the spiritual path, your priorities change and the circle of people around you change too. Your angels are sure to show you kindred and friendly souls, thank them with heart felt gratitude and live your life happily surrounded by fabulous friends and family! Angel love to you all!!!

Daily Message

There are times in life you go through deep hurts and heartaches...happens because of years of accumulation of certain emotions. Time to go onto your kneeling position and praying hands...ask for divine help. Angels are sure to help you bring peace and joy to your heart. At times, the path you walk may seem too long and it may seem you are alone...but the faithful always find light at the end of the tunnel. A light divine, too bright and beautiful, will encompass you beautifully... Till then, keep going!

Daily Message

All of us do have a favourite corner in our home, however big or small. You can make this your Angel corner or peace corner or your prayer corner. Beautify this corner with things which symbolises Divine for you and which brings you peace, happiness and inner healings. Appoint angels to watch over this place...That becomes your place of serenity to communicate with heaven...Have a joyful week ahead!

Daily Message

All Sundays are beautiful...they rejuvenate you back to life. The sun shining in the sky, the branches moving with the wind, the crows flying in the distant sky, a single butterfly from nowhere, a white feather moving in the wind, the quietness at home...time to forget your burdens and once again completely surrender and release everything to God. There is always a divine purpose in our lives which we have to fulfill during our lifetime on earth. Keep asking God for the path in which you have to walk to be revealed to you...and do not forget to ask your angels to hold your hands tight when you walk this path of life! May your week be filled with showers of blessings filled with the healing power of love and compassion from the Lord Almighty! Happy Sunday!

Daily Message

When you are down with your troubles, blessings come to you in many forms.  It could be love and kindness from strangers or family. It could be a simple smile or a greeting from someone that can make your day. It is upto you to turn your every experience bitter or sweet into a gift. At times, you allow your life to follow the same patterns repetitively the process you end up blocking your own happiness. Call upon these wonderful angels, who hover around you all the time and they would love to help you in such situations...they will ask you to look inside you..they will make you realize how beautiful you are..they will teach you to follow your heart..they will make you joyful and happy.

Daily Message

In everyone's life, there are storms...some expected, some unexpected. They drain you out totally at times. Call upon all the beautiful angels in your life to work miracles on you..At times, only miraculous healings can transform your lives times you might need all the earth angels and heavenly angels to work magic on you..So connect, work and get healed with the angels. Angels blessings to you all  and to me too!

Words to inspire....

I came across this in my daughter's dentist office:

Daily Message

Everything happens for a reason unknown to you at that moment in life. It is best to release your bottled up emotions once in a while and rejuvenate yourself. Call upon Archangel Raphael to drench you with his green emerald light and heal your pain into love and laughter.... And always keep up your hopes that God will lead you to the new beginnings... a new window of heaven will open up for you and He is sure to remove all obstacles blocking your path ! Keep up your faith!

Daily Message

The days you go through troubles which you don't deserve in anyway , the days you feel lonely in the midst of your friends and family, those are the days to look out for assurance and support from your angels. There are times people don't deserve your goodness, Voila , call for your angels. These guardian angels are sure to hold your hands and guide you in the path surrounded by brightness filled with beautiful white buds and rainbow butterflies and may even lead you to Notre dame de anges to soothe you....Happy Sunday!

Daily Message

When things go out of hand, when you are not sure what to do, when you are overwhelmed with life's problems especially when your loved ones go through health issues and you wonder why all these are happening to you.....the best thing to do is to let go of your burdens at His feet. Release, Release and keep releasing, until your soul feels light . At times, we do not comprehend certain things in life, but God has his sure way of making you know the divine truth one day or other. Till then, it is best to be in constant remembrance of God since He is the one who can lead you to life eternity. Try out this exercise: Once in a while, when things get intense in your life, it is best to cleanse your emotions  and cry your heart out. Call upon Archangel Michael and ask him to vacuum you completely out of the feelings of hopelessness and any other draining emotion with his royal purple light. Breathe in and Breathe out. And make sure you receive your share of angel hugs for the day!

Daily Message

The morning chirping of birds, a white bird flying in the distant blue sky ... look for your angels. ..They are everywhere waiting for you to talk to them. These God's little creatures want you to be perfectly happy on earth. These angels make sure you have your fun and frolic and live your life according to the Divine will. They inspire you to be on the spiritual path and through you they end up inspiring your loved ones. After all, love, peace and harmony on earth are the constant angel mantra in heaven!

Daily Message

The angels are your answered prayers when you go through anxiety, fear or worry or uncertainty in your lives especially when other people's energies pull you down....from your destined path. The soul purpose of your life however hard it is, has to be fulfilled on earth. So try out this exercise: Sit quietly, light a candle, surrender yourself at His lotus feet, ask your guardian angels to surround you with divine white light, and ask for His divine grace to reveal your purpose on earth to you and more importantly ask for His grace to carry it out with ardor and zeal. You can do this everyday and ask for the divine errands assigned for you that day to be revealed. Make sure you send your thank you's to the angels and the heaven above, at the end of every session. Angel love and angel blessings to you all!

Daily Message

At times, when you aspire for something, and try to shoot for the stars in your life, it is best to throw yourself at His Divine Mercy and ask for divine guidance. Ask your angels to guide your soul in the right path....ask them to lead you to your chosen job, the right life mate, the ultimate path of happiness. The moment you realize that these God's little angels are around you trying their best to make you smile and shine, the day you become wise to let go of decades of negativity from your past , you have made your own day!

Daily message

When you want to be touched by the angels, when you want to be healed by them, when you want to be soothed by them, when you want to be consoled by them, when you need to be cheered by them- all you have to do is call upon them and receive them with open hands and heart. Angels have a wonderful way of reassuring you of their presence. The colorful butterflies that suddenly pops out from nowhere, the white feathers floating around you, a nice fragrance in the air and a gentle breeze which embraces you, a colorful rainbow in the horizon, a cloud in the shape of an angel-----ask for signs from your angels, they will definitely   display them to you. The rest depends on your faith...

Daily Message

There are million ways to reach out to the Lord Almighty and the angels are the fastest means for that.  These little angels are the most beautiful messengers that anyone can have. Believe me, there are angels for everything...the only thing you have to do is invoke their help. There are angels for everyday of the week, you just have to call upon them. Once you learn to listen to their voice , you are sure to get the heavenly messages. Communicating with angels is a skill that has to be developed based on faith...The moment you surrender to the will of God, the moment you open your heart to listen, and connect your soul to the Divine, miracles are bound to happen in your lives.  Have a peaceful and blessed Sunday!

Join the HayHouse World Summit Online!

Join this online summit and connect with these amazing teachers   Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Esther Hicks, Suze Orman, Cheryl Richardson, and Doreen Virtue and others to learn to live a joyful and balanced life!

Daily message

Connecting with angels bring love and inner healings into our lives. There are times in your lives that you go through illness, which could be physical, mental or emotional, and you wonder why me, why now and a few more whys and what ifs go through our minds. That is the best time, to call upon Archangel Raphael to surround you with divine green light and heal you the best way possible. And feel the divine love through the angel light...and realize the reason for the wakeup call at that moment in your life.It may be just God's way of  making sure that you shine your light to others. Have a Sunday filled with sunshine and moonshine and Angel blessings to you all!

Daily Message

Every soul born on this earth has a definite purpose to fulfill in this lifetime. You can ask your angels to reveal this purpose to you. It can be being a good son/daughter, son in law/daughter in law , sister/brother, mother/father...and beyond all relationships, you still might have a role to play on this earth. All the roles we play in our lifetime, if it is in synchronization with the divine purpose, it can make your heart sing with joy.When you ask your angels the divine purpose of your life, they derive messages from the Omnipresent Almighty God and deliver it to you! Go ahead ...and ask.. and have the faith to listen.

Daily message

Whenever you call upon angels, these wonderful god's helpers , they take their work seriously. They wrap you in divine love, shoulder your burdens, give you love and support, hope and faith, joy and laughter and they make sure you feel their wings around you ..And the best we could do, is to give them a word of thanks and pass on the angelic blessings and angel hugs to everyone you encounter in your life everyday..In other words, be an earth angel to others in need! 

Daily message

The brightly lit candle, sweet fragrance of the incense sticks, soft music and a good - willing to listen- heart - are some of the prerequisites to talk with your angels. Even a whisper, a thought  would do to make them come to you and your home. Welcome them today into your hearts and your home, appoint them in each and every nook and corner of your house and cleanse all the negativity which is piled up there with the divine white light coming from heaven above. Do this cleaning periodically and I am sure your home will be your peaceful haven for you and others!

Happy Mother's day!

To all the great moms of the world. A Song for Mothers "Guardian Angel" by  Leah West

Daily message

Angels..God's wonderful helpers are always with us..around us. Whenever we ask for divine intervention, these beings of light and love are willing to help us out. When you seek angels in your day to day life,your mundane life is sure to turn into something magical. These angelic beings spread God's love in our hearts , in our souls. Just start inviting them into your lives and behold the glimpse of heaven on earth! Make them your best friends and I am sure they will launch you on a wonderful journey on this earth in spite of all struggles and troubles you go through...