Daily Message

Archangel Jophiel , the angel of divine beauty...Let us call upon this beautiful angel today into our lives so that we discover the true meaning of our lives. Archangel Jophiel, please bless us with beautiful thoughts which can govern our lives with good actions. Good for us and Good for others.... Please help us to see the beauty of life.......bless us with your beautiful blessings for the years to come...Please be present each day of our life to inspire us, to uplift us and to connect us to the Divine with your golden beauty of love and light. Always, even in the midst of our troubled times, help us to feel the beautiful presence of  Divine in our lives. Please help us to inhale the beauty around us and breathe through the beauty of life...as designed by the Almighty in Heaven above. Let us invoke Archangel Jophiel's help to feel beautiful inside our hearts and outside in our body... and let us remember always each one of us is a beautiful creation of God!


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