Daily Message

In this special evening, as I sit before the presence of God, I am inclined to pray to Archangel Michael for spiritual protection." Dear Archangel Michael, please surround me, my loved ones, and my home with your royal purple light to dissipate and ward off any lower energies. Please guide me clearly so that I may only interact with people who are living in truth and integrity." I pray and invoke the protection of Archangel Michael for the world we live in, especially for those who lead us and are the decision makers for our world.Let us all light a candle today, and pray and send peaceful and angelic love vibrations to all those places and people where it is most needed. Mother Mary, Queen of angels, pray for us. Let the blessings of her beloved son Jesus be upon us. Let us do a simple exercise today. Let us inhale peace and love and exhale all the toxins we absorbed in our mind, body and spirit. Let us have a count of 5 while inhaling and and have a count of 7 while exhaling. Have a beautiful evening! Buonasera! PhotoCourtesy: Stocksnap.io


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