
Showing posts from August, 2013

Daily Message

Communicating with the Almighty God and His angels rejuvenates you, refreshes you and replenishes you in the most sweetest and soothing way possible. Try having a conversation with God and you will feel the peace at heart,body, mind and soul.........It is amazing the more we connect with the divine, the more beautiful human beings we become .At the dawn of the day and at the dusk of the evening, make it a practice to communicate with these celestial beings, the angels. They lead you to the Lord Almighty and make sure you are always on the spiritual path no matter what you do. So talk, converse, chat and be in constant touch with God and see your life turn out to be wonderful. Happy Divine chatting for the days to come!

Daily Message

Archangel Jophiel , the angel of divine beauty...Let us call upon this beautiful angel today into our lives so that we discover the true meaning of our lives. Archangel Jophiel, please bless us with beautiful thoughts which can govern our lives with good actions. Good for us and Good for others.... Please help us to see the beauty of life.......bless us with your beautiful blessings for the years to come...Please be present each day of our life to inspire us, to uplift us and to connect us to the Divine with your golden beauty of love and light. Always, even in the midst of our troubled times, help us to feel the beautiful presence of  Divine in our lives. Please help us to inhale the beauty around us and breathe through the beauty of designed by the Almighty in Heaven above. Let us invoke Archangel Jophiel's help to feel beautiful inside our hearts and outside in our body... and let us remember always each one of us is a beautiful creation of God!

Daily Message

Silence is golden...It is silence that makes us look inside.At times, silence speaks a lot. As it says in the bible, "Be still and know that I am God".Everyday at least 3 times a day, try to be still...and breathe in the beauty around you. Even if it is noisy outside, you be still and find your silence inside....and in that silence realize the divinity in you, realize the very "you"...Ask the four archangels to surround you on all sides, visualize it amidst your silence and listen to the divine voice of God inside you...You will know how to go about life today and tomorrow. God and His angels are more than willing to talk to you, if you have the heart to listen....Have a serene silent week ahead!

Daily Message

"Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors where there were only walls"                                                                                                       - Joseph Campbell Faith is what life is all about. Faith, you will wake up in the morning, faith, you will meet someone special the next day, faith, you can get a job tomorrow, faith, your loved ones will get healed and be healthy, faith, there will be peace in the family,faith, you will have another new day....Faith keeps us going....and going.....until there is no tomorrow. If you glide along life with faith in heaven the Lord Almighty and his beautiful angelic beings...You are sure to see heaven on earth. The Divine God always sends these s...

Daily Message

The Divine Supremebeing always wants to show us wonders and marvels on earth as it is in heaven. Only thing we have to do is to receive it with open arms. Love each day of your life on earth. Never forget to count your blessings. And never forget to shine your light on others...The more divine light you receive, the more you can give others purify yourself  or rather empty yourself every morning at His feet, and start your day anew...And throughtout the day, spread your angelic smile to others! May all the angels be with you today! 

Daily Message

"I will love the light for it shows me the way, Yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars." - Og Mandino It is easy to see the light when you are happy...but not so in your downtimes. Those are the times you need to be in touch with the Divine all the more. Ask your angels to drench you in the rainbow coloured healing light of the Divine. Just remember that your Lord Almighty made you a powerful humanbeing. Unearth your power...realise the power within you. Whatever you do in your life, accompany your tasks with God and his powerful angels. And feel the power within you..And realise your full potential. And watch the miracles unfold before you! 

Daily Message

Meditate......Sit in a calm place or in the sacred corner of your house and take some deep breaths. Visualise the angels surrounding you as you do this. Inhale love and peace and exhale all the negative thoughts in your body. Inhale for 7 counts, hold for one count, exhale for 7 counts and hold for count. Keep doing this for 7 cycles of  breaths. As you relax your muscles in your body, try focussing on these words from the Bible... Psalm 23 The  Lord  is my shepherd; I shall not want.He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: .....................goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the  Lord  for ever. Especially when you feel hopeless and abandoned by the Universe, these words bring great solace to the soul and the mind. Meditate on these words for a few minutes and then open your eyes with a great big smile. Voila, you are ready to face the world with your angels around you!

Daily Message

The first day of the week...Let us look forward to this week. Let us affirm ourselves this week we are going to reach for our dreams, and live our lives with joy and happiness. Our creator in Heaven wants us all to be happy on earth...Let us seek pleasures in little little things we do..Let us sorround ourselves and our loved ones with angels in both home and office, school and college,hospital and wherever we go.Let us appoint these angels in every nook and corner in the place of our work. Let us feel the divine love of our Creator through His messengers..all our special angels. Never forget in any circumstances that you are loved by your Father in Heaven. With that feeling in heart, let us face this week...Happy Monday!