
Showing posts from March, 2022

Daily Message

Goodmorning! Today the angelic message is to pray in silence. Let's do this simple exercise for a few minutes. Choose a sacred place either in your home or your church or your temple or mosque or any other place of worship. Just close your eyes and stay tuned to God for a few seconds. Even your favourite place in nature would be good. Always before taking decisions, do this exercise. Close your eyes, stay in your innermost silence and feel the light of God in your mind's eye. Stay there for a few seconds or minutes. When you come out of your stance, you will know what to do. For me, lighting a candle or incense while doing this little meditation helps. That's the message from Archangel Ariel and another Angel with the thurible or censer with frankincense or myrrh says to us today. May the will of God be done on earth and the divine order prevail. Have a happy morning! Photo Courtesy:

Daily Message

Goodevening!The angelic message today is we all need to pray to Mother Mary, the Queen of angels to spread peace and love in the world. We need to pray to her to send many angels to Mother earth carrying lanterns headed by Archangel Ariel, to shine light upon the devastated battlefields. From my home, I see workers taking rest with a small lamp in the nearby paddy fields in the nights. Let our Mother earth be healed spiritually and in a scientific manner. May all glory and peace be to God on earth! Have a blessed evening! Buonasera!Boa tarde!# Archangel Ariel PhotoCourtesy:

Daily Message

It is a peaceful evening where I am. Today the angel message is from Archangel Azrael. His name means," Whom God helps"."Azrael is the, " angel of death", in the most beautiful and healing sense of the word. "All of us have mental body, emotional body and physical body which constitutes our aura.In the book I am reading, it states that, whenever we want we can empower Archangel Azrael, to go into the depths of our personal hell and rescue us. He also prevents the minds from creating ideas that will harm our emotional bodies and our loved ones. Have a peaceful evening! Buonasera! Photocourtesy: # Archangel Azrael

Daily Message

In this special evening, as I sit before the presence of God, I am inclined to pray to Archangel Michael for spiritual protection." Dear Archangel Michael, please surround me, my loved ones, and my home with your royal purple light to dissipate and ward off any lower energies. Please guide me clearly so that I may only interact with people who are living in truth and integrity." I pray and invoke the protection of Archangel Michael for the world we live in, especially for those who lead us and are the decision makers for our world.Let us all light a candle today, and pray and send peaceful and angelic love vibrations to all those places and people where it is most needed. Mother Mary, Queen of angels, pray for us. Let the blessings of her beloved son Jesus be upon us. Let us do a simple exercise today. Let us inhale peace and love and exhale all the toxins we absorbed in our mind, body and spirit. Let us have a count of 5 while inhaling and and have a count of 7 while exhalin...