Daily Message
Goodmorning! Today the angelic message is to pray in silence. Let's do this simple exercise for a few minutes. Choose a sacred place either in your home or your church or your temple or mosque or any other place of worship. Just close your eyes and stay tuned to God for a few seconds. Even your favourite place in nature would be good. Always before taking decisions, do this exercise. Close your eyes, stay in your innermost silence and feel the light of God in your mind's eye. Stay there for a few seconds or minutes. When you come out of your stance, you will know what to do. For me, lighting a candle or incense while doing this little meditation helps. That's the message from Archangel Ariel and another Angel with the thurible or censer with frankincense or myrrh says to us today. May the will of God be done on earth and the divine order prevail. Have a happy morning! Photo Courtesy: stocksnap.io