
Showing posts from 2017

Daily Message

Everyday is beautiful if you know how to connect with the angels. Archangel Jophiel known as ," the beauty of God" when invoked ,will help us to beautify our mind, body and spirit. Let us say this short prayer. Dear God and Archangel Jophiel, please help me to see the inner beauty in myself and others. Please help me to stop looking for signs of disappointment or anger or resentment in others actions and deeds. Please help me to see the positivity in others and help me to have a beautiful relationship with all the people in our lives. Thank you. Happy Monday!

Daily Message

When you express profound desire to connect with your angels, it happens. They will make sure you hear or see or feel their guidance, in many ways possible. All you need is to find a time and a place to connect with them and ask for your help with whatever is bothering you in your life. Happy Friday!

Daily Message

Here's the link to the world Angel Summit...Embrace your Angels! Let the angels shine upon you their love, light, joy and happiness!

Daily Message

Ask..allow.. receive and thank. First ask or invoke the angels for their help to find the love in all your relationships, allow the angels to work in your relationships, receive the abundance of love and joy in your relationships and thank your angels for all the blessings they keep bringing to your relationships. Happy Valentine's day!

Daily Message

Today more than ever I feel the divine intervention of angels in my life. Its a beautiful noon, can hear the little birds chirping and I feel the gratitude in my heart to be led down this path of a light worker. Thank you God and all the angels. Sometimes in life a little faith and a simple thank you can do wonders. Both in heaven and on earth! Happy Monday!