
Showing posts from October, 2013

Daily Message

All is well...when you are surrounded by divine love. Today even the leaves of the trees next to my window seem to be heart shaped...a fact I never noticed before. Today's angel message is when you look for love , you will find it wherever you are! You dont have to look beyond..Have a week filled with loads and loads of angelic love and light!

Daily Message

Sometimes when you feel is best to pray and follow your inner guidance. A good prayer always brings you inner peace and solace to the heart...During the days  when you are low in your spirit, make time to sit still before Mother Mary , the Queen of Angels, and drench yourslef in her love and light for you. Have a blessed Sunday!

Daily Message

All of us do pass on the family legacy to our children..Let us make sure to pass on the blessings of love, joy, peace, hope and faith to our children..and to others in our lives. Everyday send them your angelic love and angel hugs so that you touch their hearts with the heavenly faith. With lots of divine love and angel hugs, have a beautiful Friday..!

Daily Message

There are days you are happy because of you and there are days you are happy because of others. Your soul purpose on earth is to be happy in whatever you do and however your life is. Happiness is within us...We dont have to look anywhere else for it. So everyday pray to your special angels for that beautiful emotion of joy .....When you learn to surrender yourself to divine will , you will become carefree and joyful.. Have a splendid wednesday full of joy!

Daily Message

All of you have short term and long term wishes and dreams in your lives. It will be good if you can list all of them down and revise them on a daily basis. Call upon the archangels Ariel, Gabriel, Raphael and Michael on a daily basis and remind these powerful messengers from the Mighty God to take your long list of  good wishes/ dreams and  help you manifest them on earth. And keep up your faith....You will be amazed to see  your wishes and dreams come matter how small they are or how big they are....Happy Tuesday!

Daily Message

Each day be a blessing to others..You will be blessed manifold. The more you are a blessing in other people's lives, you will be blessed many times more. Just do at least one acitivity for others everyday.And remember to show your gratitude to the Lord Almighty for making you an instrument through which the blessings flow to others. Your angels will direct you everyday to the right persons to whom you should be a blessing once you ask them. Together with your angels ..pass on the blessings you receive to others. Have a blessed Monday!

Daily message

Prayer should be the key of the day and the lock of the night...Prayer is a beautiful way to connect with God. It is a two way conversation...only if we have time and patience to listen to the Divine voice. Everyday it is a good idea to cleanse your earchakras with divine white light so that we can enable ourselves to hear the voice of God. At times of confusions and indecisions, it is best to tune your ears to the divine voice within than the voices of other people. And ask your angels to lead and direct you in the path you should take at the moment. These God's special messengers are always happy to bring little loving messages from God to deal with any situations in life.Have a week filled with divine messages from heaven! Happy Sunday!

Daily Message

Every day in our life is a gift from God. It is upto us to cherish each and every moment of it. At times, we may not understand why we go through certain isues in our lives. Those are the times you have to let go and let God help you. We may not understand His plan at the moment, but one day all the bits and pieces of our life puzzle will fall in place and complete the picture.Till then, it is absoultely fine to seek the help of the angels anytime anywhere in our lead us to the Divine light. Have a day full of cherishing moments..with the companionship of all angels aboard! 

Daily Message

There are days when you are down, when you forget to call upon your powerful angels for help. But these awesome angels have a definite way of reminding you to call upon them somehow ....Their language communicates itself through to you. The moment you call upon them, you will have the clarity to address the issues, they boost you with their energy to face upto life.Their love will surround you so that you feel the peace at heart. Have a wonderful angelic light filled week ahead...

Daily Message

Angels are present abundantly in nature...Today the climate is pleasant ready to shower rain on us anytime...and the morning walk was truly beautiful. Probably the angels walked along with me..Anytime you go out walking in the nature..look for your angels..sent down to the earth by our Mighty God to protect us, guide us and love us and have fun with us...Have a friday filled with angel hugs and angel love!

Daily Message

Divine love comes to us always in unexpected packages....small and big. Ask your angels to always help you with counting your blessings..there are many in each of our lives. There are times, when we are down in spirits, we tend to forget the blessed part of our life. Angels when you invite them into your lives will help you bounce back with a bang always after the storms of your lives...Today, just invoke the angels' help and  feel and sense their presence in your lives....Have a wonderful divine thursday!