
Showing posts from May, 2013

Daily Message

When things go out of hand, when you are not sure what to do, when you are overwhelmed with life's problems especially when your loved ones go through health issues and you wonder why all these are happening to you.....the best thing to do is to let go of your burdens at His feet. Release, Release and keep releasing, until your soul feels light . At times, we do not comprehend certain things in life, but God has his sure way of making you know the divine truth one day or other. Till then, it is best to be in constant remembrance of God since He is the one who can lead you to life eternity. Try out this exercise: Once in a while, when things get intense in your life, it is best to cleanse your emotions  and cry your heart out. Call upon Archangel Michael and ask him to vacuum you completely out of the feelings of hopelessness and any other draining emotion with his royal purple light. Breathe in and Breathe out. And make sure you receive your share of angel hugs for the day!

Daily Message

The morning chirping of birds, a white bird flying in the distant blue sky ... look for your angels. ..They are everywhere waiting for you to talk to them. These God's little creatures want you to be perfectly happy on earth. These angels make sure you have your fun and frolic and live your life according to the Divine will. They inspire you to be on the spiritual path and through you they end up inspiring your loved ones. After all, love, peace and harmony on earth are the constant angel mantra in heaven!

Daily Message

The angels are your answered prayers when you go through anxiety, fear or worry or uncertainty in your lives especially when other people's energies pull you down....from your destined path. The soul purpose of your life however hard it is, has to be fulfilled on earth. So try out this exercise: Sit quietly, light a candle, surrender yourself at His lotus feet, ask your guardian angels to surround you with divine white light, and ask for His divine grace to reveal your purpose on earth to you and more importantly ask for His grace to carry it out with ardor and zeal. You can do this everyday and ask for the divine errands assigned for you that day to be revealed. Make sure you send your thank you's to the angels and the heaven above, at the end of every session. Angel love and angel blessings to you all!

Daily Message

At times, when you aspire for something, and try to shoot for the stars in your life, it is best to throw yourself at His Divine Mercy and ask for divine guidance. Ask your angels to guide your soul in the right path....ask them to lead you to your chosen job, the right life mate, the ultimate path of happiness. The moment you realize that these God's little angels are around you trying their best to make you smile and shine, the day you become wise to let go of decades of negativity from your past , you have made your own day!

Daily message

When you want to be touched by the angels, when you want to be healed by them, when you want to be soothed by them, when you want to be consoled by them, when you need to be cheered by them- all you have to do is call upon them and receive them with open hands and heart. Angels have a wonderful way of reassuring you of their presence. The colorful butterflies that suddenly pops out from nowhere, the white feathers floating around you, a nice fragrance in the air and a gentle breeze which embraces you, a colorful rainbow in the horizon, a cloud in the shape of an angel-----ask for signs from your angels, they will definitely   display them to you. The rest depends on your faith...

Daily Message

There are million ways to reach out to the Lord Almighty and the angels are the fastest means for that.  These little angels are the most beautiful messengers that anyone can have. Believe me, there are angels for everything...the only thing you have to do is invoke their help. There are angels for everyday of the week, you just have to call upon them. Once you learn to listen to their voice , you are sure to get the heavenly messages. Communicating with angels is a skill that has to be developed based on faith...The moment you surrender to the will of God, the moment you open your heart to listen, and connect your soul to the Divine, miracles are bound to happen in your lives.  Have a peaceful and blessed Sunday!

Join the HayHouse World Summit Online!

Join this online summit and connect with these amazing teachers   Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Esther Hicks, Suze Orman, Cheryl Richardson, and Doreen Virtue and others to learn to live a joyful and balanced life!

Daily message

Connecting with angels bring love and inner healings into our lives. There are times in your lives that you go through illness, which could be physical, mental or emotional, and you wonder why me, why now and a few more whys and what ifs go through our minds. That is the best time, to call upon Archangel Raphael to surround you with divine green light and heal you the best way possible. And feel the divine love through the angel light...and realize the reason for the wakeup call at that moment in your life.It may be just God's way of  making sure that you shine your light to others. Have a Sunday filled with sunshine and moonshine and Angel blessings to you all!

Daily Message

Every soul born on this earth has a definite purpose to fulfill in this lifetime. You can ask your angels to reveal this purpose to you. It can be being a good son/daughter, son in law/daughter in law , sister/brother, mother/father...and beyond all relationships, you still might have a role to play on this earth. All the roles we play in our lifetime, if it is in synchronization with the divine purpose, it can make your heart sing with joy.When you ask your angels the divine purpose of your life, they derive messages from the Omnipresent Almighty God and deliver it to you! Go ahead ...and ask.. and have the faith to listen.

Daily message

Whenever you call upon angels, these wonderful god's helpers , they take their work seriously. They wrap you in divine love, shoulder your burdens, give you love and support, hope and faith, joy and laughter and they make sure you feel their wings around you ..And the best we could do, is to give them a word of thanks and pass on the angelic blessings and angel hugs to everyone you encounter in your life everyday..In other words, be an earth angel to others in need! 

Daily message

The brightly lit candle, sweet fragrance of the incense sticks, soft music and a good - willing to listen- heart - are some of the prerequisites to talk with your angels. Even a whisper, a thought  would do to make them come to you and your home. Welcome them today into your hearts and your home, appoint them in each and every nook and corner of your house and cleanse all the negativity which is piled up there with the divine white light coming from heaven above. Do this cleaning periodically and I am sure your home will be your peaceful haven for you and others!

Happy Mother's day!

To all the great moms of the world. A Song for Mothers "Guardian Angel" by  Leah West

Daily message

Angels..God's wonderful helpers are always with us..around us. Whenever we ask for divine intervention, these beings of light and love are willing to help us out. When you seek angels in your day to day life,your mundane life is sure to turn into something magical. These angelic beings spread God's love in our hearts , in our souls. Just start inviting them into your lives and behold the glimpse of heaven on earth! Make them your best friends and I am sure they will launch you on a wonderful journey on this earth in spite of all struggles and troubles you go through...